Supported formats#

SimPhoNy supports ontologies in any of the following ontology languages

that are serialized in any of the formats that the RDFLib library supports:

  • XML (xml, application/rdf+xml, default),

  • Turtle (turtle, ttl, text/turtle)

  • N3 (n3,text/n3)

  • NTriples (nt, nt11,application/n-triples)

  • N-Quads (nquads, application/n-quads),

  • TriX (trix, application/trix) and

  • TriG (trig, application/trig).


At the moment, there are significant limitations on the supported features of OWL 2 ontologies.

OWL 2 ontologies#

Not all features of OWL ontologies are taken into consideration. Among the used ones are:

  • RDF.type to determine the type of the entities.

  • RDFS.label and SKOS.prefLabel to get the entities by label.

  • RDFS.subClassOf / RDFS.subPropertyOf for subclasses and subproperties.

  • OWL.inverseOf for inverse relationships.

  • RDFS.range to determine the datatype of DataProperties.

  • To get the attributes of an owl class, we use

    • The RDFS.domain of the DatatypeProperties, if it is a simple class.

    • Restrictions on the ontology classes.

  • Restrictions and compositions are also supported. They can be consulted using the axioms attribute of ontology classes.

We try to enlarge this list over time and support more of the OWL DL specification.

No reasoner is included. We plan to include a reasoner in the future.