# Supported formats SimPhoNy supports ontologies in any of the following [ontology languages](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ontology_language) - [Web Ontology Language 2 (OWL 2)](https://www.w3.org/TR/owl2-primer/) (see [limitations](#owl-2-ontologies)) - [Resource Description Framework Schema (RDFS)](https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-schema/) that are serialized in any of the formats that the [RDFLib](https://rdflib.readthedocs.io/en/stable/plugin_parsers.html) library supports: - XML (`xml`, `application/rdf+xml`, default), - Turtle (`turtle`, `ttl`, `text/turtle`) - N3 (`n3`,`text/n3`) - NTriples (`nt`, `nt11`,`application/n-triples`) - N-Quads (`nquads`, `application/n-quads`), - TriX (`trix`, `application/trix`) and - TriG (`trig`, `application/trig`). ## Limitations At the moment, there are significant limitations on the supported features of OWL 2 ontologies. ### OWL 2 ontologies Not all features of OWL ontologies are taken into consideration. Among the used ones are: - `RDF.type` to determine the type of the entities. - `RDFS.label` and `SKOS.prefLabel` to get the entities by label. - `RDFS.subClassOf` / `RDFS.subPropertyOf` for subclasses and subproperties. - `OWL.inverseOf` for inverse relationships. - `RDFS.range` to determine the datatype of `DataProperties`. - To get the attributes of an owl class, we use - The `RDFS.domain` of the `DatatypeProperties`, if it is a simple class. - Restrictions on the ontology classes. - Restrictions and compositions are also supported. They can be consulted using the [`axioms` attribute of ontology classes](../terminological_knowledge.ipynb#Ontology-axioms). We try to enlarge this list over time and support more of the OWL DL specification. No reasoner is included. We plan to include a reasoner in the future.