Source code for

"""Visualize an ontology, an individual or a session using graphviz."""

import argparse
import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import FrozenSet, Iterable, Optional, Union
from uuid import UUID

from graphviz import Digraph

from simphony_osp.namespaces import owl
from simphony_osp.ontology.attribute import OntologyAttribute
from simphony_osp.ontology.entity import OntologyEntity
from simphony_osp.ontology.individual import OntologyIndividual
from simphony_osp.ontology.namespace import OntologyNamespace
from simphony_osp.ontology.oclass import OntologyClass
from simphony_osp.ontology.parser import OntologyParser
from simphony_osp.ontology.relationship import OntologyRelationship
from simphony_osp.session.session import Session
from import find
from simphony_osp.utils.datatypes import UID

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Semantic2Dot: """Class for ojects returned by the `semantic2dot` plotting tool. Objects of this class produced as outcome of calling the `semantic2dot` plotting tool. They hold the graph information and can be used either to display it in a Jupyter notebook or render the graph to a file. """ def __init__( self, *elements: Union[ OntologyIndividual, OntologyNamespace, Session, ], rel: Optional[ Union[OntologyRelationship, Iterable[OntologyRelationship]] ] = None, ): """Initializes the class.""" if rel is not None: rel = {rel} if isinstance(rel, OntologyRelationship) else set(rel) # Classify items to be drawn classes = {OntologyIndividual, OntologyNamespace, Session} class_identified = ( (class_, element) for element in elements for class_ in classes if isinstance(element, class_) ) classification = { OntologyIndividual: set(), OntologyNamespace: set(), Session: set(), } for class_, element in class_identified: classification[class_].add(element) unclassified = set(elements) - set( item for items in classification.values() for item in items ) if unclassified: raise TypeError( f"The object{'s' if len(unclassified) > 2 else ''} " f"{','.join(str(x) for x in unclassified)} " f"cannot be drawn." ) # Save nodes requested to be drawn supported_classes = ( OntologyIndividual, OntologyClass, OntologyAttribute, OntologyRelationship, ) self._requested_individuals = frozenset( classification[OntologyIndividual] ) self._requested = frozenset( { part for individual in classification[OntologyIndividual] for part in ( find(individual, rel=rel, find_all=True) if rel is not None else (individual,) ) } | { entity for namespace in classification[OntologyNamespace] for entity in namespace if isinstance(entity, supported_classes) } | { entity for session in classification[Session] for entity in session } ) self._graph = Digraph(format="png", name="SimPhoNy semantic2dot") self._draw_all()
[docs] def render(self, filename: str = None, **kwargs) -> None: """Save the graph to a dot and png file.""" if filename is None: raise ValueError("Please specify a file name to save your graph.")"Writing file %s" % filename) self._graph.render(filename=filename, **kwargs)
[docs] def _repr_mimebundle_( self, include: Optional[Iterable[str]], exclude: Optional[Iterable[str]], ): """Render the graph as an image on IPython (e.g. Jupyter notebooks).""" return self._graph._repr_mimebundle_(include, exclude)
_label = ( "<<TABLE BORDER='0' CELLBORDER='0'>" "<TR><TD>{}</TD></TR>" "{}" "</TABLE>>" ) _attribute = "<TR ALIGN='left'><TD>{}: {}</TD></TR>" _requested: FrozenSet[OntologyEntity] _requested_individuals: FrozenSet[OntologyIndividual] def _draw_all(self) -> None: """Draws all the requested items. Goes over all the requested items, draws them, also draws any complementary items (e.g. superclasses) and finally draws the edges. REMARK: This method should be run ONLY ONCE. """ # keep track of ontology individual relationships edges = { "individual_relationships": set(), "complementary_superclasses": set(), "inverse_relationships": set(), } nodes = self._requested complementary_nodes = set() # draw nodes, compute edges and complementary node for node in nodes: if isinstance(node, OntologyIndividual): edges["individual_relationships"] |= { (node, relationship, target) for target, relationship in node.relationships_iter( return_rel=True ) if target in nodes } elif isinstance(node, OntologyRelationship): superclasses = set(node.direct_superclasses) if not superclasses and owl.topObjectProperty != node: superclasses |= {owl.topObjectProperty} complementary_nodes |= superclasses edges["complementary_superclasses"] |= { (node, superclass) for superclass in superclasses } inverse = node.inverse if inverse in nodes: edges["inverse_relationships"].add( frozenset({node, inverse}) ) elif isinstance(node, OntologyAttribute): superclasses = set(node.direct_superclasses) if not superclasses and owl.topDataProperty != node: superclasses |= {owl.topDataProperty} complementary_nodes |= superclasses edges["complementary_superclasses"] |= { (node, superclass) for superclass in superclasses } elif isinstance(node, OntologyClass): superclasses = set(node.direct_superclasses) if not superclasses and owl.Thing != node: superclasses |= {owl.Thing} complementary_nodes |= superclasses edges["complementary_superclasses"] |= { (node, superclass) for superclass in superclasses } self._draw_node(node, complementary=False) complementary_nodes = complementary_nodes - nodes # draw complementary nodes for node in complementary_nodes: self._draw_node(node, complementary=True) # draw edges # - direct superclasses for node, superclass in edges["complementary_superclasses"]: self._draw_edge(node, superclass, label="is_a") # - relationships between individuals for start, rel, end in edges["individual_relationships"]: self._draw_edge( start, end, label=( self._get_element_label(rel) + f" ({})" if rel.namespace else "" ), ) # - inverse relationships for node1, node2 in edges["inverse_relationships"]: self._draw_edge( node1, node2, label="inverse", dir="none", style="dashed" ) @staticmethod def _get_element_label( element: Union[ OntologyEntity, Session, OntologyNamespace, ] ) -> str: """Compute a label for an ontology entity, session or namespace.""" if isinstance(element, OntologyEntity): name = Semantic2Dot._get_ontology_entity_label(element) elif isinstance(element, Session): name = f"{hex(id(Session))}" elif isinstance(element, OntologyNamespace): name = f"{}" else: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported element type {type(element)}.") return str(name) @staticmethod def _get_ontology_entity_label(element: OntologyEntity) -> str: """Compute a label for an ontology entity.""" # Try label name = element.label if name is None: # Try suffix name = ( element.iri[len(element.namespace.iri) :] if element.namespace is not None else None ) # Try UUID or identifier if name is None: if isinstance(, UUID): name = Semantic2Dot._shorten_uid(element.uid) else: name = element.identifier return name @staticmethod def _shorten_uid(uid: UID) -> str: """Shortens the string of a given uid. Args: uid: UID to shorten Returns: str: 8 first and 3 last characters separated by '...'. """ uid = str(uid) return uid[:8] + "..." + uid[-3:] def _draw_node( self, entity: OntologyEntity, complementary: bool = False ) -> None: """Choose the method to draw an ontology entity and call it. Selects the correct method to draw an ontology entity according to its type and calls it. Args: entity: The ontology entity to draw. Raises: TypeError: Unsupported entity type. """ if isinstance(entity, OntologyIndividual): self._draw_node_individual(entity, complementary=complementary) elif isinstance(entity, OntologyRelationship): self._draw_node_relationship(entity, complementary=complementary) elif isinstance(entity, OntologyAttribute): self._draw_node_attribute(entity, complementary=complementary) elif isinstance(entity, OntologyClass): self._draw_node_class(entity, complementary=complementary) else: raise TypeError(f"Cannot draw {type(entity)}.") def _draw_node_individual( self, individual: OntologyIndividual, complementary: bool = False, ) -> None: """Add an ontology individual as a node to the graph. Args: individual: Ontology individual to draw. complementary: Whether the drawn entity is complementary or not. """ attributes = self._attribute.format( "classes", ",".join( str(x) + (f" ({})" if x.namespace else "") for x in individual.classes ), ) for key, value in individual.attributes.items(): label = self._get_element_label(key) if len(value) == 1: value = list(value)[0] elif len(value) == 0: value = None else: value = str(set(value)).replace(":", "_").replace("/", "_") attributes += self._attribute.format(label, str(value)) if individual in self._requested_individuals: attributes += self._attribute.format( "session", self._get_element_label(individual.session) ) extra_kwargs = {"color": "lightblue", "style": "filled"} else: extra_kwargs = dict() if complementary: extra_kwargs |= { "shape": "rectangle", } label = self._label.format( self._get_element_label(individual), attributes ) self._graph.node( str(individual.identifier).replace(":", "_").replace("/", "_"), label=label, **extra_kwargs, ) def _draw_node_class( self, class_: OntologyClass, complementary: bool = False, ) -> None: """Add an ontology class as a node to the graph. Args: class_: Ontology class to draw. complementary: Whether the drawn entity is complementary or not. """ attr = "" for key, value in class_.attributes.items(): attr += self._attribute.format( self._get_element_label(key), value if value else None, ) label = ( f"{self._get_element_label(class_)} " f'({ if class_.namespace else ""})' ) label = self._label.format(label, attr) if complementary: extra_kwargs = { "color": "#EEE4DD", "shape": "rectangle", } else: extra_kwargs = {"color": "#EED5C6"} self._graph.node( str(class_.identifier).replace(":", "_").replace("/", "_"), style="filled", label=label, **extra_kwargs, ) def _draw_node_relationship( self, rel: OntologyRelationship, complementary: bool = False, ) -> None: """Add an ontology relationship as a node to the graph. Args: rel: Ontology class to draw. complementary: Whether the drawn entity is complementary or not. """ attr = "" label = ( f"{self._get_element_label(rel)} " f'({ if rel.namespace else ""})' ) label = self._label.format(label, attr) if complementary: extra_kwargs = { "color": "#DCDBEB", "shape": "rectangle", } else: extra_kwargs = {"color": "#AFABEB"} self._graph.node( str(rel.identifier).replace(":", "_").replace("/", "_"), label=label, style="filled", **extra_kwargs, ) def _draw_node_attribute( self, attribute: OntologyAttribute, complementary: bool = False, ) -> None: """Add an ontology attribute as a node to the graph. Args: attribute: Ontology attribute to draw. complementary: Whether the drawn entity is complementary or not. """ try: datatype = attribute.datatype except NotImplementedError: datatype = "multiple" attr = self._attribute.format("datatype", datatype) label = ( f"{self._get_element_label(attribute)} " f'({ if attribute.namespace else ""})' ) label = self._label.format(label, attr) if complementary: extra_kwargs = { "color": "#ADB8AB", "shape": "rectangle", } else: extra_kwargs = {"color": "#7EB874"} self._graph.node( str(attribute.identifier).replace(":", "_").replace("/", "_"), label=label, style="filled", **extra_kwargs, ) def _draw_edge( self, start: OntologyEntity, end: OntologyEntity, **kwargs ) -> None: """Add an edge between two nodes. Args: start: start node end: end node """ self._graph.edge( str(start.identifier).replace(":", "_").replace("/", "_"), str(end.identifier).replace(":", "_").replace("/", "_"), **kwargs, )
def terminal(): """Run Semantic2Dot from the terminal.""" # Parse the user arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Plot ontology namespaces.") parser.add_argument( "plot", metavar="plot", type=str, nargs="+", help="Either installed namespaces or paths to yaml ontology files", ) parser.add_argument( "--output", "-o", type=os.path.abspath, default=Path(os.getcwd()) / "semantic2dot", help="The path of the output file", ) args = parser.parse_args() namespaces = set() for x in args.plot: try: namespaces.add(Session.default_ontology.get_namespace(x)) logger.warning("Using installed version of namespace %s" % x) continue except KeyError: pass parser = OntologyParser.get_parser(x) logger.warning("Including all namespaces of package %s" % x) for iri in parser.namespaces.values(): try: namespace = Session.default_ontology.get_namespace(iri) except KeyError: Session.default_ontology.load_parser(parser) namespace = Session.default_ontology.get_namespace(iri) namespaces.add(namespace) # Convert the ontology to dot converter = Semantic2Dot(*namespaces) converter.render(filename=args.output_filename)
[docs]def semantic2dot( *elements: Union[ OntologyIndividual, OntologyNamespace, Session, ], rel: Optional[ Union[OntologyRelationship, Iterable[OntologyRelationship]] ] = None, ) -> Semantic2Dot: """Utility for plotting ontology entities. Note: If you are reading the SimPhoNy documentation API Reference, it is likely that you cannot read this docstring. As a workaround, click the `source` button to read it in its raw form. Plot assertional knowledge (ontology individuals and the relationships between them), plot terminological knowledge (classes, relationships and attributes), or a combination of them. Args: elements: Elements to plot: (Session) plot the whole contents of a session; (OntologyNamespace) plot all the ontology entities contained in the ontology namespace; (OntologyIndividual) plots an ontology individual, or a collection of them, and the relationships between them if multiple are provided; rel: When not `None` and when plotting an ontology individual, calls uses the method `find(individual, rel=rel, find_all=True)` from `` to additionally plot such individuals. """ return Semantic2Dot(*elements, rel=rel)
if __name__ == "__main__": terminal()