Source code for

"""Pico is a tool used to install ontologies."""

import argparse
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Tuple, Union

from simphony_osp.ontology.namespace import OntologyNamespace
from simphony_osp.utils.pico import logger, pico

__all__ = ["packages", "namespaces", "install", "uninstall"]

[docs]def packages() -> Tuple[str]: """Returns the identifiers of all installed packages.""" return pico.packages
[docs]def namespaces() -> Tuple[OntologyNamespace]: """Returns namespace objects for all the installed namespaces.""" return pico.namespaces
[docs]def install(*files: Union[Path, str], overwrite: bool = False) -> None: """Install ontology packages. Args: files: Paths of ontology packages to install. Alternatively, identifiers of ontology packages that are bundled with SimPhoNy. overwrite: Whether to overwrite already installed ontology packages. """ return pico.install(*files, overwrite=overwrite)
[docs]def uninstall(*identifiers: str) -> None: """Uninstall ontology packages. Args: identifiers: Identifiers of the ontology packages to uninstall. """ return pico.uninstall(*identifiers)
def terminal() -> None: """Install ontologies from the terminal.""" # Entry point parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="This tool manages the ontologies used by SimPhoNy." ) parser.add_argument( "--log-level", default="INFO", type=str.upper, help="set the logging level", ) # --- Available commands --- subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title="command", dest="command") # list subparsers.add_parser("list", help="Lists all the installed ontologies") # install install_parser = subparsers.add_parser( "install", help="Install ontologies" ) install_parser.add_argument( "files", nargs="+", type=str, help="List of yaml files to install" ) install_parser.add_argument( "--overwrite", action="store_true", help="Overwrite the existing ontologies, if they are already " "installed", ) # uninstall parser uninstall_parser = subparsers.add_parser( "uninstall", help="Uninstall ontologies" ) uninstall_parser.add_argument( "packages", nargs="+", type=str, help="List of ontology packages to uninstall", ) args = parser.parse_args() logging.getLogger("simphony_osp").setLevel( getattr(logging, args.log_level) ) try: installed_identifiers = list(pico.packages) if args.command == "install" and args.overwrite: pico.install(*args.files, overwrite=True) elif args.command == "install": pico.install(*args.files, overwrite=False) elif args.command == "uninstall": if args.packages == ["all"]: args.packages = installed_identifiers pico.uninstall(*args.packages) elif args.command == "list": print("Packages:") print("\n".join(map(lambda x: "\t- " + x, installed_identifiers))) installed_namespaces = tuple( for namespace in pico.ontology.namespaces ) print("Namespaces:") print("\n".join(map(lambda x: "\t- " + x, installed_namespaces))) except Exception: logger.error("An Exception occurred during installation.", exc_info=1) if args.log_level != "DEBUG": logger.error( "Consider running 'pico --log-level debug %s ...'" % args.command ) if __name__ == "__main__": terminal()