Source code for simphony_osp.ontology.operations.operations

"""Classes supporting the definition and use of custom operations in SimPhoNy.

This file contains an `Operations` abstract class that wrapper or package
developers can use to implement specific functionality for certain ontology
classes (e.g. download and upload commands for files, multiplying EMMO
vectors, ...).

Instances of the `OperationsNamespace` class are accessed as the `operations`
property of ontology individuals. The `OperationsNamespace` instances let the
user access the operations defined for each ontology individual. Each
individual has an associated instance of the subclass of `Operations` that the
wrapper or package developer has defined.
from __future__ import annotations

import os
import pkgutil
import sys
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from import Mapping
from functools import wraps
from importlib import util
from pathlib import Path
from types import ModuleType
from typing import (

from rdflib import URIRef

if sys.version_info < (3, 8):
    from importlib_metadata import entry_points
    from importlib.metadata import entry_points

    from simphony_osp.ontology import OntologyIndividual

__all__ = [

_catalog: Dict[URIRef, Dict[str, Tuple[Type, Callable]]] = dict()
"""Holds the operations associated with each ontology class."""

_initialized: List[bool] = [False]
"""True when the installed operations have already been loaded."""

def catalog(func):
    """Initialize the catalog lazily.

    This decorator is meant to decorate functions that write to or access the
    catalog, so that the installed operations can be loaded lazily on the
    first access/write. This is useful to prevent headaches with import cycles.

    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        if _initialized[0] is False:
            _initialized[0] = True
        return func(*args, **kwargs)

    return wrapper

def _load_operations():
    """Finds the installed operations and registers them in the catalog."""
    # Retrieve operations from package entry points.
    package_entry_points = entry_points()
    if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
        operations =
        operations = package_entry_points.get(
            "simphony_osp.ontology.operations", tuple()
    del package_entry_points
    operations = { entry_point.load() for entry_point in operations
    for name, operations in operations.items():
        register(operations, operations.iri)
    del operations

    # Retrieve operations from the operation folder in the user's home
    # directory.
    path = (
        or Path.home() / ".simphony-osp" / "operations"
    operations = find_operations_in_operations_folder(path)
    for operations in operations:
        register(operations, operations.iri)
    del operations

def get(
    item: Union[str, URIRef], default: Optional[Any] = None
) -> Union[Dict[str, Tuple[Type, Callable]], Any]:
    """Get the methods registered for the given identifier.

        item: Identifier to get the methods for.
        default: Default value to return when the identifier is not registered.

        KeyError: Identifier not registered and no default provided.
    item = URIRef(item)
    return _catalog.get(item, default)

def register(
    class_: Type[Operations], identifier: Union[str, Iterable[str]]
) -> None:
    """Register an `Operations` class in the catalog.

        class_: The `Operations` class to register.
        identifier: The identifier (or identifiers) that will be
            registered as associated with the given `Operations` class.

        RuntimeError: Tried to register two methods with the same name for the
            same identifier.
    identifiers = (
        (URIRef(identifier),) if isinstance(identifier, str) else identifier

    methods = class_.__simphony_operations__()

    for identifier in identifiers:
        catalog_entry = _catalog.get(identifier, dict())

        # Raise exception if two methods with the same name are registered
        conflicts = set(catalog_entry) & set(methods)
        if conflicts:
            raise RuntimeError(
                f"Methods {','.join(conflicts)} defined twice for class "

        # Put the operations on the catalog
            {name: (class_, method) for name, method in methods.items()}
        _catalog[identifier] = catalog_entry

class Operations(ABC):
    """Define operations for an ontology class."""

    def iri(self) -> Union[str, Iterable[str]]:
        """IRI of the ontology class for which operations should be registered.

        It is also possible to define several IRIs at once (by returning an

[docs] def __init__(self, individual: OntologyIndividual): """Initialization of your instance of the operations. It is recommended to save the individual that is received as an argument to an instance attribute, as the operations to be executed are supposed to be related to it. """ self._individual = individual
@classmethod def __simphony_operations__(cls) -> Dict[str, Union[Callable, property]]: """Magic method that returns the operations defined on this class.""" dir_operations = dir(Operations) methods = { name: getattr(cls, name) for name in dir(cls) if not (name.startswith("_") or name in dir_operations) } return methods class OperationsNamespace(Mapping): """Access the operations associated to an ontology individual. Instances of the `OperationsNamespace` class are accessed as the `operations` property of ontology individuals. The `OperationsNamespace` instances let the user access the operations defined for each ontology individual. Each individual has an associated instance of the subclass of `Operations` that the wrapper or package developer has defined. """ _individual: OntologyIndividual _instances: Dict[Type, Operations] def __init__(self, individual: OntologyIndividual): """Initialize the `OperationsNamespace`.""" self._instances = dict() self._individual = individual def __getattr__(self, item: str) -> Any: """Get an operation by name using dot notation.""" try: result = self[item] except KeyError as e: raise AttributeError(str(e)) from e return result def __setattr__(self, item: str, value: Any) -> None: """Set the value of operation's property.""" if item.startswith("_"): super().__setattr__(item, value) return try: self[item] = value except KeyError as e: raise AttributeError(str(e)) from e def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Union[Callable, Any]: """Get an operation by name using brackets.""" method, instance = self._method_and_instance(key) if isinstance(method, property): result = getattr(instance, key) else: @wraps(method) def function(*args, **kwargs): return method(instance, *args, **kwargs) result = function return result def __setitem__(self, key, value) -> None: """Set an operation's property using brackets.""" method, instance = self._method_and_instance(key) if isinstance(method, property): setattr(instance, key, value) else: raise AttributeError(f"operation '{key}' is not writable") def __len__(self) -> int: """Number of operations available for the individual.""" return sum(1 for _ in self) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: """Iterate over the names of the available operations.""" yield from {name for name, class_, method in self._all_methods()} def _method_and_instance(self, key: str) -> Tuple[Callable, Operations]: """Returns the method and operation instance for a given name. Searches the catalog for methods with names that match the given key and returns both the method and the instance of the `Operations` class to which such method belongs. """ results = { (class_, method) for name, class_, method in self._all_methods() if name == key } if len(results) > 1: raise RuntimeError( f"More than one operation available under the name {key} for " f"individual {self._individual} of classes " f"{','.join(str(x) for x in self._individual.classes)} " f"available ." ) elif len(results) == 0: raise KeyError( f"No operation with name {key} available for " f"{self._individual} of classes " f"{','.join(str(x) for x in self._individual.classes)}." ) class_, method = results.pop() if class_ not in self._instances: self._instances[class_] = class_(individual=self._individual) instance = self._instances[class_] return method, instance def _all_methods(self) -> Set[Tuple[str, Type, Callable]]: """Get a set will all the available operations for the individual.""" classes = ( class_.identifier for class_ in self._individual.superclasses ) results = { (name, class_, method) for identifier in classes for name, (class_, method) in get(identifier, dict()).items() } return results OPERATIONS = TypeVar("OPERATIONS", bound=Operations) def find_operations_in_package( path: Union[str, Path] ) -> Generator[Type[OPERATIONS]]: """Find operations on a Python package. Given the path of a Python package (a folder containing an `` file), this function finds all the operations defined in the package and yields them back. Args: path: location of the Python package to be scanned for operation definitions. Yields: Operation definitions, that is, subclasses of the `Operations` class. """ package_paths = [path] def load_submodules_recursively(paths: List[str]) -> Iterator[ModuleType]: """Load Python packages and all of their submodules. Given the paths of Python packages, this function loads the package as well as all the submodules recursively. Args: paths: Paths of the Python packages to load. Yields: The loaded Python modules. """ pathlib_paths = [Path(x) for x in paths] names = { for module_info in pkgutil.iter_modules( str(x.parent.absolute()) for x in pathlib_paths ) if module_info.ispkg and in { for x in pathlib_paths} } filter_walk = ( (loader, module_name, is_pkg) for loader, module_name, is_pkg in pkgutil.walk_packages( str(x.parent.absolute()) for x in pathlib_paths ) if any(module_name.startswith(name) for name in names) ) for loader, module_name, is_pkg in filter_walk: if module_name not in sys.modules: spec = loader.find_spec(module_name) module = util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(module) sys.modules[module_name] = module yield module else: yield sys.modules[module_name] modules = load_submodules_recursively(package_paths) modules = {module.__name__ for module in modules} classes = ( x for x in Operations.__subclasses__() if x.__module__ in modules ) return classes def find_operations_in_operations_folder( path: Union[str, Path] ) -> Set[Type[OPERATIONS]]: """Find operation definitions in a folder. Given a folder path, this function scans the folder for operation definitions and returns them. Args: path: The folder path to be scanned. Returns: A set of operation definitions, that is, subclasses of the `Operations` class. """ package_paths = [path] prefix = "simphony_osp.ontology.operations.installed." for loader, module_name, is_pkg in pkgutil.walk_packages( package_paths, prefix ): if module_name not in sys.modules: spec = loader.find_spec(module_name) module = util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(module) sys.modules[module_name] = module return { operation for operation in Operations.__subclasses__() if operation.__module__.startswith(prefix) } def find_operations( packages: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None, ) -> Set[str]: """Generates the entry point definitions for operations. Scans one or several packages and generates sets of strings that can be used in `` to register SimPhoNy ontology operations. This method is meant to ease the work that operation developers have to do in their `` files. Args: packages: name(s) of the package(s) to scan. When left empty, all packages on the working directory are scanned. Returns: Set of strings that can be used with the "simphony_osp.ontology.operations" entry point. Example: {"File = simphony_osp.ontology.operations.file:File"} """ if isinstance(packages, str): packages = [packages] path = Path(os.getcwd()).absolute() packages = packages or [] paths = [path / package for package in packages] or [ path / for module_info in pkgutil.iter_modules([str(path)]) if module_info.ispkg ] operations = { op for path in paths for op in find_operations_in_package(path) } operations = { f"{op.__name__} = {op.__module__}:{op.__name__}" for op in operations } return operations