Source code for simphony_osp.ontology.namespace

"""An ontology namespace."""
from __future__ import annotations

import itertools
import logging
from itertools import chain
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Iterable, Iterator, Optional, Set, Union

from rdflib import URIRef
from rdflib.term import Identifier

from simphony_osp.ontology.entity import OntologyEntity
from simphony_osp.utils.cache import lru_cache_timestamp

    from simphony_osp.session.session import Session

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class OntologyNamespace:
    """An ontology namespace.

    Ontology namespace objects allow access to the terminological knowledge
    from the installed ontologies.

    # Public API
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    def name(self) -> Optional[str]:
        """The name of the namespace.

        For namespaces that have been imported from the
        `simphony_osp.namespaces` module, this name matches the alias given to
        the namespace in its ontology package.
        return self.ontology.get_namespace_bind(self)

    def iri(self) -> URIRef:
        """The IRI of the namespace."""
        return self._iri

[docs] def __eq__(self, other: OntologyNamespace) -> bool: """Check whether the two namespace objects are equal. Two namespace objects are considered to be equal when both have the same IRI and are bound to the same session. Args: other: The namespace object to compare with. Returns: bool: Whether the given namespace object is equal. """ return ( isinstance(other, OntologyNamespace) and self.ontology is other.ontology and self.iri == other.iri )
[docs] def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> OntologyEntity: """Retrieve an entity by suffix or label. Args: name: The label or namespace suffix of the ontology entity. Raises: AttributeError: Unknown label or suffix. AttributeError: Multiple entities for the given label or suffix. Returns: An ontology entity with matching label or suffix. """ try: return self.get(name) except KeyError as e: raise AttributeError(str(e)) from e
[docs] def __getitem__(self, name: str) -> OntologyEntity: """Retrieve an entity by suffix or label. Useful for entities whose labels or suffixes contain characters which are not compatible with the Python syntax rules. Args: name: The suffix or label of the ontology entity. Raises: KeyError: Unknown label or suffix. KeyError: Multiple entities for the given label or suffix. Returns: An ontology entity with matching label or suffix. """ if not isinstance(name, str): exception = TypeError( f"{str(type(self)).capitalize()} indices must be" f"of type {str}." ) raise exception return self.get(name)
def __dir__(self) -> Iterable[str]: """Attributes available for the OntologyNamespace class. Returns: The available attributes, which include the methods and the ontology entities in the namespace, both by label and suffix. """ entity_autocompletion = chain( self._iter_labels(), self._iter_suffixes() ) entity_autocompletion = filter( lambda x: x.isidentifier(), entity_autocompletion ) return chain(super().__dir__(), entity_autocompletion) def _ipython_key_completions_(self): """Items available for the OntologyNamespace class. Returns: The available ontology entities in the namespace, both by label and suffix. """ entity_autocompletion = chain( self._iter_labels(), self._iter_suffixes() ) super_completion = getattr(super(), "_ipython_key_completions_", set()) return itertools.chain(entity_autocompletion, super_completion)
[docs] def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[OntologyEntity]: """Iterate over the ontology entities in the namespace.""" return (entity for entity in iter(self.ontology) if entity in self)
[docs] def __contains__(self, item: Union[OntologyEntity, Identifier]) -> bool: """Check whether the given ontology entity is part of the namespace. An ontology entity is considered to be part of a namespace if its IRI starts with the namespace IRI and if it is part of the session that the namespace is bound to. Identifiers are only required to start with the namespace IRI to be considered part of the namespace object. Blank nodes are never part of a namespace. Args: item: An ontology entity or identifier. Returns: Whether the given entity or identifier is part of the namespace. Blank nodes are never part of a namespace. """ if isinstance(item, Identifier) and not isinstance(item, URIRef): return False elif isinstance(item, URIRef): return item.startswith(self.iri) elif isinstance(item, OntologyEntity): return ( item.identifier in self if item.session is self.ontology else False ) else: raise TypeError( f"in {type(self)} requires, " f"{Identifier} or {OntologyEntity} as left " f"operand, not {type(item)}." )
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: """Return the number of entities in the namespace.""" return sum(1 for _ in self)
[docs] @lru_cache_timestamp( lambda self: self.ontology.entity_cache_timestamp, maxsize=4096 ) def get(self, name: str, default: Optional[Any] = None) -> OntologyEntity: """Get ontology entities from the bounded session by suffix or label. Args: name: The label or suffix of the ontology entity. default: The entity to return if no entity with such label or suffix is found. Raises: KeyError: Unknown label or suffix (and no default given). KeyError: Multiple entities for the given label or suffix. Returns: The ontology entity with given label or suffix, or the default value. """ from_label = self._from_label_set(name, case_sensitive=True) try: from_suffix = self.from_suffix(name) except (KeyError, ValueError): from_suffix = None entities = from_label | ({from_suffix} if from_suffix else set()) num_entities = len(entities) if num_entities == 0: if default is None: raise KeyError( f"No entity with label or suffix {name} was found in " f"namespace {self}." ) else: entities = {default} elif num_entities >= 2: error = ( f"There are multiple entities with label or suffix {name} " f"in namespace {self}: {', '.join(r.iri for r in entities)}. " f"Please refer to a specific element of the " f"list by calling the method `from_iri(iri)` from " f"namespace {self}." ) raise KeyError(error) return entities.pop()
[docs] def from_suffix(self, suffix: str) -> OntologyEntity: """Get an ontology entity from its namespace suffix. Args: suffix: Suffix of the ontology entity. Raises: KeyError: When no entity with such suffix exists in the namespace. ValueError: When an invalid suffix is received (e.g. it contains a space). """ return self.from_iri(str(self._iri) + suffix)
[docs] @lru_cache_timestamp( lambda self: self.ontology.entity_cache_timestamp, maxsize=4096 ) def from_iri(self, iri: Union[str, URIRef]) -> OntologyEntity: """Get an ontology entity directly from its IRI. For consistency, this method only returns entities from this namespace. Args: iri: The iri of the ontology entity. Returns: The ontology entity. Raises: KeyError: When the IRI does not belong to the namespace. ValueError: When an invalid IRI is received. """ if " " in iri: raise ValueError(f"Invalid IRI: {iri}.") # TODO: check that it is a valid URI instead of just checking if it # has spaces. The check is needed to avoid RDFLib complaining that # trying to serialize an IRI with spaces will break. iri = URIRef(str(iri)) if iri in self: return self.ontology.from_identifier(iri) else: raise KeyError( f"The IRI {iri} does not belong to the namespace" f"{self}." )
[docs] @lru_cache_timestamp( lambda self: self.ontology.entity_cache_timestamp, maxsize=4096 ) def from_label( self, label: str, lang: Optional[str] = None, case_sensitive: bool = False, ) -> OntologyEntity: """Get an ontology entity from its label. Args: label: The label to match. lang: Optionally filter labels by a specific language. case_sensitive: Whether the match should be case-sensitive or not. The default setting is a case-insensitive lookup. Raises: KeyError: No label matches the given one. KeyError: More than one label matches the given one. """ try: entities = { entity for entity in self.ontology.from_label( label, lang=lang, case_sensitive=case_sensitive ) if entity in self } except KeyError: entities = set() if len(entities) == 0: error = "No element with label %s was found in namespace %s." % ( label, self, ) raise KeyError(error) elif len(entities) >= 2: element_suffixes = (r.iri[len(self.iri) :] for r in entities) error = ( f"There are multiple elements " f"({', '.join(element_suffixes)}) with label" f" {label} for namespace {self}." f"\n" f"Please refer to a specific element of the " f"list by calling from_iri(IRI) for " f"namespace {self} for one of the following " f"IRIs: " + "{iris}." ).format(iris=", ".join(entity.iri for entity in entities)) raise KeyError(error) return entities.pop()
# ↑ ------ ↑ # Public API @property def ontology(self) -> Session: """Returns the session that the namespace is bound to. Retrieving entities from this namespace object actually implies retrieving them from such session. Namespace objects imported from the module `simphony_osp.namespaces` are bound to the "default ontology" session, which contains all the ontology entities from the ontologies that were installed using pico. """ return self._ontology def __init__( self, iri: Union[str, URIRef], ontology: Optional[Session] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, ): """Initialize a namespace object. Args: iri: The IRI of the namespace. ontology: The session that the namespace object is bound to (see the docstring of the `ontology` property). name: The name of the namespace (see the docstring of the `name` property). """ from simphony_osp.session.session import Session ontology = ontology or Session.get_default_session() self._iri = URIRef(iri) self._ontology = ontology ontology.bind(name, iri) def __str__(self) -> str: """Transform the namespace to a human-readable string. Returns: The resulting string. """ return f"{} ({self.iri})" def __repr__(self) -> str: """Transform the namespace to a string. Returns: The resulting string. """ return f"<{}: {self.iri}>" def __hash__(self) -> int: """Hash the namespace. The namespace is defined by its IRI and its underlying data structure (the ontology), which are immutable attributes. """ return hash((self.ontology, self.iri)) @lru_cache_timestamp( lambda self: self.ontology.entity_cache_timestamp, maxsize=4096 ) def _from_label_set( self, label: str, lang: Optional[str] = None, case_sensitive: bool = False, ) -> Set[OntologyEntity]: """Get ontology entities from their labels. Args: label: The label to match. lang: Optionally filter labels by a specific language. case_sensitive: Whether the match should be case-sensitive or not. The default setting is a case-insensitive lookup. """ try: entities = { entity for entity in self.ontology.from_label( label, lang=lang, case_sensitive=case_sensitive ) if entity in self } except KeyError: entities = set() return entities def _iter_labels(self) -> Iterator[str]: """Iterate over the labels of the ontology entities in the namespace. Returns: An iterator of strings containing the labels. """ return ( label for iri in self._iter_identifiers() for label in self.ontology.iter_labels(iri, return_literal=False) ) def _iter_suffixes(self) -> Iterator[str]: """Iterate over suffixes of the ontology entities in the namespace. Returns: An iterator of suffixes containing the suffixes. """ return (str(iri)[len(str(self._iri)) :] for iri in self._iter_iris()) def _iter_identifiers(self) -> Iterator[Identifier]: """Iterate over the identifiers of the ontology entities. For consistency, only returns ontology entities that belong to the namespace. Returns: An iterator of identifiers. """ return ( identifier for identifier in self.ontology.iter_identifiers() if identifier in self ) def _iter_iris(self) -> Iterator[URIRef]: """Iterate over the IRIs of the ontology entities in the namespace. Returns: An iterator of IRIs. """ return (x for x in self._iter_identifiers() if isinstance(x, URIRef))